6:34 PM


"There is some magic in wealth, which can thus make persons pay their court to it, when it does not even benefit themselves. How strange it is, that a fool or knave, with riches, should be treated with more respect by the world, than a good man, or a wise man in poverty!"

--Ann Radcliffe

Here's the plain and simple truth about money in my life: I don't have any. This really doesn't bother me though, I've never had much. Living in Reno brought a new aspect to it though. Once I lost my job, my life was little more than doing odds and ends jobs to pay the rent, and taking what little leftovers I had down to Deer Park, where there seemed to be a lot of regulars. A lot of homeless people.

And to be honest, I never thought much about it until somebody stood up for me on Reno's Craigslist (where I posted regularly). I believe what they said was that I gave so much even though I barely had more than them.

Never really though about it that way, but I guess it was true. When I moved into my ghetto little apartment in the alley, I had the basics. I had a twin sized air mattress, a comforter, my bag of clothes, and my mouse Lucy. It was depressing at first, but I ended up there because of the follies of somebody else and because of my own pride. I had no money, still don't, but I refuse that detail to best me. I spent a lot of time at the library, at the park, and posting my often unwanted opinion on public forums throughout the web.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would do a lot for money, I'll do what it takes to pay off my debts and to make it in this world. But I've seen firsthand how little it actually takes to make it in the world.