1:32 PM

Fort Hood

A couple days ago, at work, a group of my coworkers were discussing what happened at Fort Hood. A man that normally I like very much made this statement: it was just some Muslim that went off the deep end.

I was so furious. I felt like so many things were wrong about that statement. First of all, "just"? Thirteen people being gunned down because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time is not "just" some guy going crazy. It is a massacre. My heart is broken for the families that were shattered, for the mothers and wives and children that now sleep with a night light. Tragedy is bad enough, but senseless tragedy...

I do have to say though, PEOPLE WERE AT FAULT. This massacre was a direct result of America's cruel and ignorant attitude towards Middle Easterners and Muslims. The shooter was American born, and wanted to serve his country. Even as he gained rank, he was met by prejudice and harrassment, and then was basically told to deal with it. Would that fly in your workplace? It wouldn't fly in the McDonalds that my first job was in, and it wouldn't fly in my current workplace.

If certain soldiers hadn't been so cruel, so ignorant, or so idiotic, the soldiers that died wouldn't have become victims. You take a quiet, God-fearing man who listens to everyone's insanities, and compound the situation with direct prejudice because of a damn belief system, and then you tell me that you're surprised that a ticking time bomb went off.

Let me throw something your way to think about. Muslims did not attack America. Fanatical terrorists with an agenda did. It doesn't matter that they were Middle Eastern. It doesn't matter that they were Muslim. Last year, a Christian group flew to Reno, NV to protest Briana Denison's funeral, a girl who had been raped and murdered. They said she deserved to die, that she was kidnapped from her own home and would never see her family again because God just hated Reno. But you don't see white Christian folks being harrassed for being white or Christian.

He killed thirteen people. We helped.