1:55 PM

Theories and Whatnot.

How open minded are you? Here's my theory on life:

Sometimes people are in shitty situations. Some people are just makin gdo with the cards they were dealt, others mistakingly discarded their decent hand. But I subscribe to the believe that no matter your circumstances, everybody has the right to be warm or to be fed. No one should ever have to eat from the garbage.

Church is whatever. I don't particlarly buy into organized religion. The thing is, I think a lot of people go for the wrong reason. For me, spirituality isn't about angry gods, or ire, or hell and retribution. It's about living, loving, helping. Wednesday lunch at the soup kitchen? That's my church.

Sure, I wish I'd done things differently. I wish I'd found my self, my happiness, my spirituality almost five years earlier. But do I regret anything?
