1:51 PM

What Makes Us Happy

So, as a lot of people know, I suffered from clinical depression for a very long time. Now I just live with it.

And, you know, it's interesting what makes us happy and what doesn't. For a very long time, I always had a guy. Maybe not always a boyfriend, but I always had a fling or a crush or something unnameable. When I moved to Reno, it was that way times ten, and I ran into some very bad, very mean men.

Nowadays I live in a small town. I work a lot, go to a couple of parties on the weekend. Mostly I just live, make plans for the future, write down what's in my head. I can honestly say I've never been happier. I've been more passionate, more thrilled, more...something, but I've never been as in love with my life or with myself as I am now.

The movies, the books, the tv shows, they make it all about love. I was just looking for the wrong kind of love.