11:09 PM

All in.

Can you say brain freeze? Writers block? Creative death?

There has been so much going on lately, but the thing is, I think the only thing that's really been going on has been going on inside of me. What makes a girl decide that she's no longer a child, but an adult? Maybe it was when I bought a truck, when I started paying rent, when I became a workaholic. Maybe when I decided that I deserved more in a relationship. I think maybe it's more likely to be the point where I resigned myself to the fact that there's no going back, that I've got what I've got now. That the things I hold on to in order to keep me sane and allow me a minor amount of escapism are things like work and alcohol and sleep.

As hard and unhealthy as all of that is, though, maybe it's a good thing. I think I really have given up on knights in shining armor, in the lottery, in luck really. And that's sad, and that's the worst break up ever, breaking up from your shining, romantic, expectations, but I've got no one to save me but myself.

So here I go.