4:53 PM

Summertime, The Living's Easy

One thing that I DEFINITELY miss about Reno is the cooler weather. I'm not sure how hot it is up there, but today it hit 100 just outside of Las Vegas. That's hard enough for me, but one of my dogs Sophie (a black lab) lives outside, and our Rhodesian Ridgeback and Dachshund spend most of the day out there with her too. If you're like me with outside pets, be sure to provide lots of shade and even more water for your pets. We have a kiddie pool placed in the shade for the dogs, so not only do they drink, but they wade when it gets too hot. Remember to check the water daily, and NEVER EVER leave your pets in the car.

The best thing we've found to keep our dogs cool and healthy though, are frozen treats. In a cinch, you can put some peanut butter in a kong treat and leave it in the freezer for a few hours, but I've got a tasty recipe that will keep your dog excited for those hot days:

32 oz. plain yogurt
1 mashed banana
2 T p'nut butter
2 T honey

It’s true dairy products aren’t good for dogs, but yogurt contains much less lactase than regular milk and the live cultures are great for your dog’s digestive system. This dog ice cream recipe is delicious and good for your pet!

1. Mix all these ingredients in your blender, then dump into ice cube trays, paper cups, or a kong toy to freeze and serve.

2. If you want to go all out for your mutt you can freeze these homemade frosty paws just like you would homemade ice cream. A salt-less automatic ice cream maker makes this as easy as using any other appliance in your home and the frosty paws will be ready to serve in 10 minutes.

(Thanks to http://www.collargirl.com/frosty_paws.html for providing this yummy recipe)

Be safe and have fun this summer, and be sure to take your pets on lots of adventures. :]