9:28 PM

terrapins, islands, and crazies.

So switch things around a bit. Got a job and a significant other and two tortoises (lovingly dubbed Doc and Zeus), but no car. So...yeah. Still surprisingly happy. The moodiness hasn't gone away, but anyone who knows me will never expect such things.

Went and saw Shutter Island the other day. I really enjoyed it, have a cookie Scorsese. So for those of you who are like me and don't have tv, here it is in a nutshell: Leo DiCaprio heads to an island full of crazies. People are disappearing, oh wait, they never existed, yadda yadda yadda, lets get to the point here. Is Leo crazy? Will he get lobotomized? Does mental deficiency always equal insanity?

I honestly don't know, most likely, and...I don't think so. It was a great highlight to the movie, I kind of think that was the point. We took the scenic view to get there, but thats ok. But think about it. Ever see A Beautiful Mind? Brilliant+schizophrenic guy, lots of movie stuff, ends up NOT taking his medication, but being able to seperate what is reality and what isn't. Now, to me, that's not crazy. That's about as sane as it gets. Maybe this guy has a chemical imbalance, but he's not insane.

My meandering monologue brings us here: as highly subjective and open to interpretation reality is, I think insanity is when you stop becoming a part of it. When your reality and another's reality don't even have the same shadow, and YOU DON'T KNOW IT.

That's some crazy shit.